Saturday, February 13, 2010

[This is the first post for now]

This contains only images that I have created. (Added the effects to) (3)
Earth (1st I made)
Earth (2nd I made due to not being able to read the lettering, so I overlapped it with white)
Earth Stormed (3rd that follows the others but in a way... A bit different. Added the water effect with this one too)

[Earth 1] This one has beautiful misspelled, but it still looks cool. I cannot fix it, as it has already been edited and published. My apologies.
[Earth 2] This one has beautiful misspelled, but it still looks cool. I can not fix it as it has already been edited and published.

[Earth Stormed] 

More will come, try and look again in about a week.
There are no guarantees  that I will make more, it is just a matter of
wanting to. I had a lot of time when I made these.